Root Canal Treatment

Necessary Procedures Made Simple by Our Professional Dental Team

Root Canal treatment has a reputation as being traumatic and painful. However, if done correctly by an experienced dental surgeon such as ours, you feel little to no pain during the procedure. The recovery time is quick. You may feel some discomfort for a couple of days.

The process consists of the removal of the pulp and infected tissue inside the tooth, cleaning of the cavity, disinfecting and shaping of the root canal, followed finally by a filling to seal the space and prevent further bacterial damage from occurring.

If you are suffering from inflammation or infection in the roots of your tooth, ask our dentist if a root canal treatment is right for you.


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    Jl. Raya Pantai Saba No. 9

    Gianyar – Bali 80581

    (0361) 300 3029

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    Opening Hours

    09.00-21.00 WITA

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