

Many people dread teeth cleanings. Between the prodding, strange noises, and occasional jaw discomfort, it’s easy to understand their apprehension. But for most, a teeth cleaning is simple and painless.

Knowing exactly what is going on during the process can help ease your stress and allow you to better enjoy the minty-fresh results.

A dental cleaning (prophylaxis) is the removal of plaque, bacteria, calculus and extrinsic stains by a qualified dentist. This cleaning is not sub-gingival, meaning your provider will not go underneath your gums to clean out any material – which for the average, healthy patient is not necessary. In our office, we’ll pair your regular cleanings (usually recommended every 6 months) with oral examinations by the dentist and updates on x-rays as warranted. We also check the health of your gums and surrounding tissues at these visits, which take approximately one hour.



    Jl. Raya Pantai Saba No. 9

    Gianyar – Bali 80581

    (0361) 300 3029

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    Opening Hours

    09.00-21.00 WITA

    Appointment Booking